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Changing Out A Mercedes Windshield In Scottsdale, Arizona.

Mercedes Windshield Replacement In MesaWhen doing a Mercedes windshield replacement, or any other luxury vehicle for that matter, as an auto glass technician you want to pay extra special attention to detail. I say this in respects to the many different attachments associated with the windshield.  Below you can clearly see the lane departure warning system on the left and the rain sensor on the right. The other image shows the view from inside the Mercedes with the lane departure camera hanging well below the rain sensor. Some vehicles, after the windshield replacement, you should take the vehicle back into the dealership for re-calibration of the lane departure warning system.

Mercedes Windshield Attachments Inside1 250x141 1When removing any attachments from the windshield, always use caution on how to remove them properly. So many times I see broken plastic pieces and things glued back together, not due strictly to lack of knowledge alone, but the willingness to take their time and self-learn how to do it properly.
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