Full Auto Glass Windshield Coverage Qualifies You!
Other Auto Glass Shops make you wait weeks… We hold up our end of the bargain. As soon as your windshield replacement is complete, (the typical install takes 25-45 minutes,) you receive your insurance approved windshield replacement cash back/promotion at the time of install! No “check is in the mail.” If you are getting better cash back offers, then check the reviews for that auto glass shop. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. (Must mention at time of setting up appointment.)
CALL (480) 233-9368 to see what you qualify for your insurance approved windshield replacement.
All Insurances Accepted!
We can waive some, if not all of your deductible, depending on your year/make/model and the insurance company you use. If you are not sure whether or not you have the auto glass waiver, you can either contact us or your insurance agent. We’ll be happy to assist you.